
01.XI.2011. Underage. Tabibuchua. Boogie Woogie. Grolsch. 白骨節. 青空パラダイス. Daystuno. ロックン桜. Swing It, Little Katy. Teen Twis. ロックで殺せ!

Poison Idea - Underage
Louise Cyphre - Tabibuchua
Count Basie and His Orchestra - Boogie Woogie
Snookum Russell - Juke Box Boogie Woogie Chick
Zweetkutten - Grolsch
Royal Earl & Swingin' Cools - Royal Earle Shuffle
金城恵子 (Keiko Kinjou) - 白骨節 (Shila Kuchi Bushi)
暁テル子 (Teluko Akatsuki) - 青空パラダイス (Aozola Paladaisu)
Terveet Kädet - Daystuno
ギター・ウルフ (Guitar Wolf) - ロックで殺せ!(Rock De Kolose!) *
雪村いづみ & 山田真二 (Idsumi Yukimula & Shinji Yamada) - ロックン桜 (Rock'n Sakula)
Clyde Owens & his Moonlight Ramblers - Swing It, Little Katy
Buddy Miller - Teen Twist
Brigada Do Ódio - Brasil

On YouTube

Poison Idea - Underage

Count Basie and His Orchestra - Boogie Woogie

Snookum Russell - Juke Box Boogie Woogie Chick

Zweetkutten - Grolsch

Royal Earl & Swingin' Cools - Royal Earle Shuffle

ギター・ウルフ - ロックで殺せ!
(Guitar Wolf - Rock De Korose!)

Clyde Owens & his Moonlight Ramblers - Swing It, Little Katy

Buddy Miller - Teen Twist

Brigada Do Ódio - Brasil
4th track

I act as DJ to a graveyard.
I act as DJ from a graveyard.